Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately at the present time my mold allergies are so bad that I can't even take small amounts of vinegar. Considering that i am mainly a vegetarian it really sucks because I can't eat salad dressings with vinegar in it. This stomach acid issue has caused me so many problems that I now have food allergies to all my 'staple' foods - green lettuce, tomatoes, Watermelon etc. I think I will be able to get my stomach problems solved and my immune system back up to par so that I can eat anything I want again. It is interesting, I remember awhile back having a conversation with you and you talked about the vegetarian diet not being the best for everybody. Ironically because I haven't eaten much meat the last 15 years it is the one food that I know that I am not allergic to so i have been eating it for the time being. I am a vegetarian for moral reasons. Anyway, when I saw my homeopathic guy last time and he realized that i was not making enough l-arginine he said that genetically I should be on a hunter gatherer's diet. He said there was a way to work around that though. We didn't have time to get into the diet issue but next visit I am going to press him for more details. If my body is more geared towards at least some meat then I might add some back in.