Re: Garlic clears out heavy metals
"I don't mean to be argumentative, I just offer
this one story. And I guess my question to you is do you really know if the
people around you are offended and not telling you?"
Well, I don't really think so. I've been retired for 20 years, and like
I said, I am careful not to eat it prior to "social" encounters,
though I violate that if I feel a cold coming on. (I went for 5 years
without a cold up until four months ago when I got the worst one I've had in
years. Garlic didn't do a thing for it. But before my garlic days I
averaged three colds a year.) One time I was trying to see how much garlic
I could get down and I did 8 to 10 cloves before bed time, and my brother caught
onto it the next day.
My ex works in the world of outdoor biology and worked with a guy who ate
garlic constantly and never had a cold nor was he ever sick, and his office
workers complained so he decided to stop. On his field trips he always
drank from streams (our Cascades and Olympics can have some nice clear streams)
and he never had a problem, but when he quit the garlic he got very sick after
drinking out of a stream. Animals can contaminate the streams more than
I was raised by a mother who abhorred onions and laughed at Eastern
Europeans who not only ate garlic, but put it on their feet when they became ill
or caught cold. (I use chopped garlic in socks on the bottom of my feet
when I get a cold and I can taste it within 60 seconds of putting them
on.) So, when I went to Korea for an all expense paid visit thanks to
Uncle Sam, I found that every Korean I ever talked to always had garlic on their
breath. I never ever found it the least bit offensive. I enjoyed the
aroma. So while some people find it offensive, it is strictly a cultural
thing and people find it offensive only because they've been programmed to be
offended, - it's all in their head. I just don't worry about it.
As I mentioned before, if you are really worried about the aroma, then there
are cold processed garlic pills. I always have GarliMax on hand if I don't
feel I've had enough of the raw. There is a garlic pill from Japan where
the government has invested heavily in garlic and aged garlic research, called
Kyolic. Kyolic has been shown to be as good as regular garlic but it is
horribly expensive.