I am not necessarily disagreeing with your findings at all... what I am saying is many people develop poor bowel habits and conditions over time due to a number of issues. I am not refering so much to impaction and mucus plaque as I am to just sludge and things like intestinal pockets (diverticulosis) that can be helped and improved through responsible bowel cleansing and the "retraining" if you will of healthy bowel habits.
I also question whether many bowel issues are not a result of bad habits such as holding it in on purpose\ignoring the urge to go.
There was a little kid, about 10 in the chiropractors office the other day who was complaining about pain in his lower abdomen just above the groin. The doctor told him to go in the bathroom and try to poop. He did, and came out and said the pain was gone... My point being mom was already training him to hold it whenever the urge was inconvenient. By the time this kid is an adult, no wonder he has bowel issues, constipation or what have you. He was already being "trained" to ignore the signs to go.