Re: undigested food?
I lost my peristalsis from laxative abuse. I have had some results with this probiotic in helping me with this. Actually, wanted to ask Moreless about using the epsom salts and laxatives. I have been dependent on magnesium hydroxide. I got to the point where I could not take enough. So Moreless, if you are reading this could you give me your input on peristalsis and epsom salts. I would like to be free of laxatives, enemas etc......
I also have started eating more cooked and steamed veggies and this is helping me a lot more. I was 75% raw and I think my digestion is so down that the raw was harder to digest. I am juicing, but not eating raw veggies. Also, have started taking some ACV before a meal. Seems to work as well as those expesive enzymes.
I am going to take Moreless's suggestion and try NOW brand. They are a lot cheaper. I have almost finished three months of the Bio-K. For me to "go" on my own even a little is HUGE progress.
I was culturing my own raw milk for a time. It was a lot of work with everything else I am doing. But, doing that with the Bio-K is a GREAT idea. Might start up again. Their is a lot of info on culturing. Try looking up Gem Cultures.
One thing I also notice is meal size is very important for me. Better for me to eat a quarter cup of food 8 times a day than one big meal. On days I do do this I feel better.
Good luck,