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Re: The Evolutionist Pseudoscientific Method
Celcius Views: 1,609
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 781,672

Re: The Evolutionist Pseudoscientific Method

And tell me john ,what was it that was cogent about any of your posts? Debate? I thought a debate meant two apoposing viewpoints, one promoting one belief and the other promoting thier belief! But I see john that you are without any real beleif of your own, for all you can do is attack the other! This is not debate! This is just whining and trolling actually , you have not once offered up a beleif or an idiology just idiocy and ignorance! And thats nor debatable either! In any realm of debate you would have been disqualified a long time ago! If there was a real moderator in these so called trolling sessions of yours you would have been eliminated for incorrect debating procedures! Squirm lol! This shows your discernmetn skills for what they are , a great big zero! Much like yourself! John you really need to get a life! You should start by at least examining what you stand for not what you stand against! You never know what life can bring until you first of all know yourself!
After all I see you go to the religion forum and not offer up an apposing viewpoint but only belittlement and critisism ,never opening yourself up or expressing any beliefs of your own ,then you hop over here and attack science! Seems to me you either afraid of showing your hand or you are without substance and can only express yourself by belittling others!


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