Re: The Evolutionist Pseudoscientific Method
Celcius, you continue to impugn my mental capacity, and yet you cannot seem to fathom, despite my having said so outright, that I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN.
You keep attacking Christianity and Religion and Creationism as some sort of defense against my arguments. This is completely illogical because I'm not arguing from the point of view of a Creationist. The ONLY thing I'm interested in is proving or disproving Evolution. Those are the two ends of the spectrum I'm arguing. I am not trying to prove Creationism by disproving Evolution. I don't even recognize any validity to the idea that disproving Evolution inherently proves Creationism or vice versa.
I'm not trying to convince you to believe in Jesus or to worship televangelists or to vote Republican. I am certainly NOT trying to convince you to believe in Creationism.
So leave Creationism out of it for the moment. I'm talking purely about the scientific aspects, the archeological evidence, what we can show and what we can know, and what we cannot show and what we do not know, with respect to Evolution.
Now, please attack my
Where are the examples of cells created from non-living matter that justify your belief in such?