Re: The Evolutionist Pseudoscientific Method
science in its basic tenets looks for its errors excepts its errors and moves on!
Yeah, real science does. You're right. But evolution is far from real science. I always find it amusing (and I mean that in the most derogatory way possible) when someone tries to invoke the very well established sciences of physics or chemistry (i.e. your Edison example) as some sort of umbrella which naturally transfers to other fields, such as evolutionary theory. It's a false association.
You have one point in your favor, in that Edison held a belief that something should be possible, and he worked very hard trying to find something that would work (not unlike Evolutionists working hard trying to prove evolution). And his perseverance paid off. Nevertheless, his actions with the lightbulb were based on already existing, well established, known physical models. Evolution is not a well established, known physical model. It's a biological model whose major selling point is that it contradicts another model that some of us are really sick of hearing about.
What really pisses you guys off is that Creationists are getting really good at using Science against Evolutionists (with the assumption that discrediting Evolution somehow "proves" Creationism, as if these are the only two possibilities, and disproving one necessarily proves the other). Unfortunately, however, the best defenses you can mount are either a) ignoring the evidence entirely, or b) casting aspersions on the claims or the related evidence without any counterproof whatsoever. Again, I really can't help but notice how much like Creationists that sounds, but I'm talking about the Evolutionists when I say it...
If you don't like the comparison, how about actually using that science you allegedly know all about to properly combat the claims? How about attacking the claims scientifically or logically instead of playing the same games that Creationists play when science challenges them?
The big problem is that your cherished theory might not survive the assault.
Science, on the other hand, will still win.