The Evolutionist Pseudoscientific Method
Accept everything that attacks the Bible as the literal truth.
Anything which does not conform to already known
Science is false.
Only an evolutionist can arbitrarily decide when a piece of evidence offered by a creationist is true and when it's obviously false.
Accept that every evolutionist is an expert in the field of evolution and every other field of scientific endeavor, especially if they'r enot.
An evolutionist's work can never be discredited by the use of science, particularly by a creationist.
Misquote or take out of context anything which challenges evolution, so as to mock it as much as possible.
Declare that any evidence that falsifies evolutionism as false or erroneous
Never look at any experiments which challenge evolution, as you run the risk of falsifying evolutionism.
ad hominem attacks at every opportunity so as to avoid confronting an opposing argument.
Invent data to support your case if there is none available.
Pot, meet Kettle.