Re: Hate to tell ya...
Let me get one thing straight here - I agree with the fact there is rarely and an excuse for letting oneself 'go'.
However sometimes there are more reasons why a person gains weight. Those reasons are valid and are not just because a person gets lazy.
There are many many many hormone fluctuations in a womans body - some cause weight gain, muscle loss, and skin sagging. What can a woman do about this? Sometimes little, to nothing.
Sometimes a person can take all the supplements in the world, eat healthy and exercise! But for some reason it doesn't seem to do them a whole lot of good? Why? Perhaps because of genetics, illness and environmental issues....not because of laziness.
What ever happened to " sickness and in health"??
So of course I endorse exercise,
healthy Diet and a naturalistic lifestyle. But I also endorse real beauty and that isn't always found in a size zero outward appearance. Part of health is finding balance and perspective.