Re: grz: Your thoughts?
I agree with your very good points.
What I am getting from this is that protein is okay (as is most anything else) IF it is balanced correctly with whatever it needs to create that balance. Too much of anything, including protein will create an imbalance and, possibly ill health. In these readings that "mineral" is sulfur, BUT it is obvious to me not the only required mineral to create balance... another flaw in these types of studies is the singularity, as apposed to the very REAL synergy that does and must occur.
It brings to the forefront the apparent "need" by farmers in the 30s and 40s to begin the use of pesticides and then herbicides due to the beginnings of a very unhealthy soil... where are we now?
Before I even stumbled on CureZone I am thankful that I discovered the mineral - health answer. More difficult is determining how to acquire those minerals in such a way as to create balance. The answer, for me anyway, is in whole foods, primarily the best quality fruits and vegetables I can find. However, foods grown in mineral deficient soils are deficient in minerals, which then causes an animal\human deficiency in minerals, which causes, dare I say disease... what then? How do we get those minerals in a responsible manner? Here on CureZone I believe MH and ML among others have answers to that, methods differing only slightly.
I also read yesterday a study of diet in a 1.8 million year old hominoid. Apparently the hominoid ate according to the seasons and primarily roots, grasses, fruits, wild vegetables and possibly, (they could not confirm) small quantities of meat. This is far removed from what most of us eat these days.
Makes one wonder whoever or whatever group is thinking
Genetically-Modified-Organisms = good has to be absolutely nuts.
Squeakyclean, I am really enjoying your thoughts and inputs on this topic; thank you. :-)