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Re: My 3 year battle
spiritualme Views: 4,123
Published: 19 y
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Re: My 3 year battle


I too had a problem with Body Odor . I've had problems with fish odor, and an ammonia smell. I think the first thing you have to do is keep a diary. The reason I recommend this is that I had to keep track of when the smell occurred and what triggered it. In my case I have a huge candida problem. Anything with Sugar in it would trigger an odor because Sugar feeds fungi. Also odors would occur when I drank coffee. Well since coffee has mold in it guess what it exacerbated the problem. I also noticed that as long as my body was alkaline the odors wouldn't be as bad. Things that help were wheatgrass. It acted as a deodorizer because of the chlorophyll in it. Another thing that may help is stop drinking tap water entirely. Tap water has chemicals that kill bad bacteria as well as the good. As someone stated before a good probiotic is essential. You probably need a very strong one since you have irritable bowel. Primal defense is good but sooooooo expensive. Eat alot of fresh organic raw vegetables to keep your body alkaline. This is extremely important. And I would definately cut out dairy and limit meat products. Lemons are extremely cleansing and very alkalizing. Another thing I would do is whats recommended on this site. A liver cleanse, kidney cleanse, colon and parasite cleanse. Another thing that may help is ozone to kill parasites and bacteria. Ozonated oils are great for killing bacteria, parasites and fungi. All of which may be in your bowel because of IBS. Check out You can buy ozonated oils there. Leave the Sugar alone at least until your problem clears up. I found out when I had fish odor that my body can't process choline. Also the chlorine in our water may be a big factor in Body Odor . I would even get a showerhead that filters chlorine. It's in everything. Body Odor s can also be indicative of kidney or liver disorders. Have a doctor check out those as well. I hope this helps.


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