Hi everyone my name is the sickone and i smell like poo.
Strange we're all having this issue. I personally have been suffering from it since i was 19, and i am now 22. I have OCD, IBS, Anxiety and depression. I used to be very popular in school and party alot. I used exctasy which depletes your serentonin so all this talk about low serentonin being the cause makes sense. im a normal guy i dont eat the healthiest and never really have but i've seen worse, i excercise 3 times a week and im 5'10, 162
lbs. I've been told i smell like stepped in shit, like i just crapped my pants, like bad B.O., rotten garbage, stinky feet, everything you can imagine. It sucks, i am on disability because of my terrible anxiety which was caused by the odor and obsessive compulsive disorder. Personally i only catch small wiffs of my feces stench (although im able to stink up large living areas) and it smells like stepped in poo. Absolutely disgusting. My family and friends tell me i dont stink but they always hint that i do or make comments they find funny which i dont. I throw or give away my clothes after a year, cuz i can almost sense the stench on them like someone else mentioned. I spend small fortunes on soap, new boxers, i change my toothbrush every week because my breath smells of shit aswell. Everyday whether i poo or not, i will scrub every area of my body for up to an hour, then brush my teeth and tongue for 10 min. Then use mouthwash and put on freshly washed clothes, and im sick of it. Its like going to work everytime i need to get ready. I havent worked in almost 4 years, my friends rarely call me, girls seem to like me untill they smell me, so i havent had a girl since grade 12. I know people talk behind my back, i have a reputation of stinking like shit in my small town and it sucks. I've had several embarassing and traumatizing moments which i wont mention. I have talked to my doctor and shrink about it they seem to think its physically impossible. I have suffered for 3 years, 3 years i'll never get back. I wish i new what was causing this so bad its killing me slowly, all i can say is its too bad for all of us and i wish you all well, because i have given up hope. Some days are better than others.. untill it happens again (u all know what i mean).