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Re: My 3 year battle
tujam Views: 6,196
Published: 19 y
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Re: My 3 year battle

A guy selling a Colon Cleanse product on ITV said that Red meat, Chicken, and Sodas all cause acidity in the stomach which makes the intestinal linings secrete mucus that ends up trapping feces. I will suggest you try the Almighty Cleanse (, as he said this product contains powerful herbs that will help release the trapped feces.
A girl used a product called Lamictal to eradicate her fecal odor but complained that the product (Lamictal) gave her Hand-Tremors. Now I'm thinking, could it be possible that the Lamictal also gave her intestinal (nerves)tremors thereby releasing all the trapped, smelling feces? I don't know if you can tell your doctor to prescribe Lamictal and let's see if it would also work for you? This would really help us understand where our problem stems from. I also know that depleted Serotonin in the body limits the action of digestive nerves and with a combination of too much mucus in the stomach, it should make sense that the trapped feces will, at some point, begin to smell out.
Anytime I have anal sex, the fecal smell becomes even worse. Another strange thing I notice is that during anal sex, I always feel like I'm about to have a bowel movement but as soon I get to the bathroom I'm unable to do so. Other people that have anal sex don't experience this especially if they've used the bathroom prior to having anal sex. It seems the anal sex is trying to help me get the trapped, smelly feces out but the mucus helps it get stuck to the intestinal wall.
Lastly, a lot of people have said they stopped having fecal odor when they stopped eating meat, sodas and other things (like too much sugar) that cause acid-mucus. And for someone who doesn't have low serotonin, taking fiber capsules could help harden the stool and bring out all the trapped, smelly feces.


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