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Image Embedded Re: the *history/herstory of sea salt*; the past and future of limestone?
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Re: the *history/herstory of sea salt*; the past and future of limestone?

Maybe... something to research more on:  (oh no!) but I don't feel I have the time now;

what is the *history* of limestone? you know, in the same way that sea salt has a 'history'? ( Though surely ( most importantly )it all eventually returns to the same place, if traced far enough---no sarcasm intended. ) As no sort of example, but interestingly, I've always been taken with the mineral "feldspar", which I once read is in almost every kind of rock -- that it's the most common; to me that makes it very "human" and sort of *fuzzy* in a way I can't explain -- maybe in that it suggests a common (not lofty) sentience..? I feel a lot of compassion toward feldspar...that history of all of it.

I'm not suggesting going out to eat it, but such apparently small yet curious considerations give me the sense that we know so little really, of the world and its minerals. It's mountains. Seas --  that once were where mountains are...etc. Breath-taking changes that have happened through eons. ( I've begun to feel Himalayan salt has the preferable frequency and template for me, much as I initially liked the taste -and feel- of Celtic salt. The Himalayan feels very pure and uncompromising. It pushes, in a way, where the Celtic salt enveloped.  If it could be 'heard', I feel almost sure it would be a very high pure sound, maybe not unlike some of Mozart 's music, if that were to become ( or be experienced as) crystal, gem-like.

I honestly don't know why the CH should be better than say the ground up minerals in a mineral tablet, if we look only at both mineral sources as being "rock", ground up. That is, if we take the CH powder in exclusion, leave it in a little pile and examine it that way. From that myopic viewpoint, it's hard to deny the urgent appeals to safety.

This is where I really wish I were best 'friends' with chemistry; and that I could translate its language to one more simple--that would be a great skill! ( and I'm guessing there must be some who live in that world, and CAN do that, just as we know of a few physicists and so on who can popularize their fields --it would be so great to connect with someone like that, who was willing to look into this Moreless drink, and experience it her/himself. ) I never can seem to get past the point of seeing that there are complex energetics happening between the CH, the organically-bound minerals in the BSM and the lemon--as well as the lemon's unique anionic being.

Uniquity, about the calcium being useless without the magnesium--the ES is an integral part of the drink--and I tend to keep returning ot this: the whole drink ( including good high-brix lemons) is critical. 

Someone who's tried the limewater with just the molasses say, or just the lemon(!) as a brief experiment, and concluded it made them sick, I'd suggest did not give full attention to the importance of Balancing the whole drink--Balance is what it's all about-- where the Limewater 'part' (according to my grasp of it) now becomes 'bound' to the other parts, and is only inorganic ( in this combination, this drink) in the sense that, especially in relation to the lemon (of which a book could be written) it is now behaving 'electrically'.

I really do feel words are not sufficient here-- or rather, I just don't have the language.

That said, I'm disappointed that Moreless (often) doesn't seem to have the language either-- or maybe it's that unique skill I mentioned: of someone who inhabits the world wherein this sort of ( I grant you, unexpected ) energetics goes on, being able to cross over to articulating all that, for those speaking another language. He (ML) often seems  to lack the patience to answer sincere queries into the 'workings' of it all. If I were in his place, it is the simple questions I would tire of, and the actual energetic mechanics I'd most want to get to -- the essence. Such queries I don't think would keep resurfacing if we were to  be able to see one conclusive and focused collection of his words on this ( all-important synergy/transmutation of parts ) subject.

I really believe this one good 'thesis' , comprehensively approached and completed, and then highly visible, could do so much to further receptivity to what becomes the whole CH conundrum, on the part of others-- And it could even open minds to greater mysteries, that might first appear to be transparently self-convicting: "guilty, your honour".

But, on one crucial point, as Invincible has said -and this seems to bear expanding on- it has been amply divulged that the CH can be/is caustic and would be if it were taken without first diluting it in this way-- I don't think the full meaning of that is being seen by people.  It's not just that it should be diluted - because maybe we still have 'rocks',  but that it has to act with these other organic minerals-- in effect becoming 'one with them' but with its own unique 'history'-- if I may put it that way.

But there are a few issues here -and I and others have asked for more dialogue on these subjects, with some people being accused of  not acting, or being whiners: a charge I think is unseemly -and has been too broadly applied. Sometimes people need to hear, (I would even suggest the 'hearing lineage' is one of the strongest , most enduring)
and especially, hear another's understanding being unfolded, to allow the listener to put the words to the heart-mind,
the inner eye. That's how insight sharpens. Like that.

oh yes,  about the issues: there is the 'rock' issue.
And then the caustic, presumed ( or assumed) toxicity of the C.H. (in any form). 

How can a poison become the opposite at a diluted level? That's simple--we only have to look at homeopathy, if that is the whole question. It's more complex than that . The homeopathic dilutions are taken to the etheric level--
and here, a person has to reverse their normal viewpoint in effect, and give up form' in favour of locating in the non-form realm, and seeing things from *there*. Simple for some, because that realm IS every bit as real as this 'rock realm'.

--Maybe that 'location' is what a really brilliant bio-chemist can do; one with an alignment to the realm of Spirit? (I believe such people might be the various teachers whose input and knowledge has informed Moreless'. )
Can they reveal that experiencing for others--translate it from the subtle ( the transmuted) back to the form/word/action realm?
There IS some kind of almost mysterious transmutation going on IN the ML drink--I'm sure of that.
But, well,  it seems we're only  left with debate. And unfortunately, the 'teacher' ( the one who has inherited the knowledge, but perhaps not the ability to entirely share it with us) has left the room.

Or -- we lack the language, and if we didn't he COULD express it all. I can't say.

I wish I could see the future of the ML drink.( a great number of years following the protocol, a number of people...but perhaps many will adhere for a time, and then drop it ? ) I would  emphasise though, ( while admitting it's only my belief) it's the drink without the limewater that does a lot of organic good--( it's all bio-available) and I think the limewater is for lack of a better way to  say it--the radical 'transformer', if you will. With maybe a paradoxical homeopathic twist in there.

 I haven't yet fully processed that  last thought -- but I will.


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