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Re: Sorry, don't mean to butt in on your conversation

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

esme90 Views: 4,694
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 729,225

Re: Sorry, don't mean to butt in on your conversation

Have either of you tried a bowel cleanse? One that doesn't get absorbed into the body, but passes through the gut, absorbing toxins on the way? I think that that is how bentonite clay works, and also psyllium husk. If the lethargy and cold symptoms are due to toxin generation, or die off, then, logically, such a cleanse would help.
I don't have MCS, but I know that P&B shakes helped me to cope with die off. I started a parasite cleanse, and felt awful. Then I thought maybe my system was so congested with toxins already, that a bowel cleanse would help with elimination of toxins. My memory is a bit vague now, but I think I didn't feel better immediately. It took 2 days, and then I started feeling really good.
The information on P&B shakes is here.
The bowel cleanse forum are very friendly and informative.
Also, I think humaworm mentioned a while back that she has seen that psyllium husk can trap large worms and help to ease them out of the intestines.
A final note on the hypogammaglobulinaemia - there are cases of people getting it from malnutrition. That doesn't mean that you aren't eating well. It means that you could be not absorbing or something else is absorbing your food before you. This is apersonal opinion, but certain parasites can attach the spleen, and I note that an enlarged spleen is one of the possible symptoms of this disease. This means that a further parasite cleanse would help, and also a lymph cleanse. If humaworm is reading this (hi, Grandma!!) then she'll be able to advise on herbs that cleanse the lymph.
BTW, this is the web info I was looking at:
If you feel I am just butting in, and should mind my own business, as I've never suffered what you guys have, I quite understand and can only beg your pardon, and finish this email here.


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