Re: Feeling very sick since day one of I'm on day 3.
Good for you! = ) Just keep on keeping and the re-intro of the supplements is really a good idea. I couldn't do much in the way of supplements when I was that ill either and in fact I had to find liquid vitamins that I could tolerate on my stomach without getting so ill.
Yes, I did do several liver cleanses but I had done parasite cleanses prior to this and even still I got very ill from the cleanse. I got more ill from the kidney cleanse but I had a small tumor on one of my kidneys so i'm sure that was why I got so ill with that cleanse. however, this was all before I knew a thing about taking flaxseed oil and hemp seed oil. Those two are very important in keeping the liver and gallbladder moving out toxins. They contain efa's and you can do some research on these as well. I think this is the first thing I would do if I were you, try slowly adding one of these oils to your diet daily for a good six weeks before you go to the next step as it should help any of the cleanses much easier on your body.
I make a smoothie every morning with an organic juice, about a cup, a cup of frozen berries of any kind, a banana, ground flax, tablespoon of flaxseed oil and hemp seed oil, green food (I use Green Foods Barley Essence) and I mix these and drink, it is very good. If I don't mix the smoothie then I make the cottage cheese at lunch time. Either way so I get these nutrients in. To help with your next try with doing a parasite cleanse try to get as much fresh garlic in your system as you can tolerate. If that means one teensie clove off a bulb crushed into your dinner, that is fine, whatever it takes but make sure it is uncooked and fresh. It's not going to get rid of the para's as humaworm said but it will keep them down in count and help you when you are ready to have another go at it. You may experience bloating and stuff like that from the garlic so make sure you get yogurt in your diet daily. I'm not real big on the pro biotic supplements as they just are not as effective as building that stomach bacteria as simple organic non flavored yogurt. If you find yogurt not something you enjoy you can make it enjoyable with the above smoothie mix. There is also an organic cottage cheese with the beneficial bacteria added. I think it is called Barbara's. I will have a look at mine and see what it's called. Your local health grocer may not have it but they might be able to at your request.
Gosh, I do wish you the very very best, you are so very young and you need your life back and I'm rooting for you!!! = )
Good Luck and take care. If you ever need support just give me a holler. I know how hard it gets to deal with it day in and day out, but yes, remember, there is a way to get healthy, you can be assured of that. = )