I have a pretty severe case of multiple chemical sensitivity so I am doing whatever I can to try and beat this thing. Anyhow, I started Humaworm on Friday and have felt incredibly lethargic since. I also feel like I have a terrible cold. About an hour after I take the dose I begin to sneeze and cough incessantly and then I can't keep my eyes open and end up sleeping for hours. I only took half the dosage last night and still felt awful - I felt like I had the worst cold of my life and then felt like I had taken a sleeping pill because of how tired and "out of it" I was. I stumbled to bed. Anyhow, I do react to most things I take because of the MCS so I'm not too surprised by this, but I'm wondering if I should continue taking the Humaworm since it's making me feel so awful. I work full-time so I can't afford to feel like this for the next month. Please advise.