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Re: on love
HeartSpirit Views: 1,740
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Re: on love

Hello, sofia There may be several approaches of discussion, maybe you will resonate with some of mine.

Maybe this is an oxymoron in itself: “Conflicting expressions of love”. Conflicting love? Love does not conflict, does it? Love allows. Love accepts. Love frees.

So maybe it is not love that is conflicting but the ideas/beliefs that are driving the actions/decisions?

On one point, Exactly, WHY do you have to CHOOSE one and sacrifice the other? Can you not eat chocolate AND be beautiful in a bikini? WHO says you may not?

Somewhere within there must be thought that to eat chocolate=to be fat=not be able to wear bikini=not be able to feel beautiful? So if the goal is to feel beautiful, can this still not be achieved by eating chocolate? Is being able to wear a bikini and getting external recognition from others the only way to feel beautiful? Can the body not be loved and beautiful regardless of the external forms? If not, it simply reflects there is some belief blocking that experience.

On the broader topic of body beauty….what is beautiful or ‘not’? If we feel it is not, does this not mean that the physical form is simply not conforming to our ‘expectation’ of what beautiful ‘is’? Where did these expectations come from? Do they still serve the person/body/spirit? May we release them?

“Stating that one love is superior than the other (like more spiritual, or deeper, or more expansive, etc.) doesn't convince me, as love is love, no hierarchy is admitted in its realm”  I agree in your interpretation that in ‘love’, there is no ‘more spiritiual’, ‘deeper’ or ‘more expansive’. These ideas are comparisons which arise out of duality…judging what is ‘better’ or ‘worse’…etc. These ideas point again to belief in there being a ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ way to be dependent on specific conditions being met.

“Fool is the card representing love, so doing what is "high" as seen from a human point of view, is not appropriately talking the language of love).”  Yes, because for many the collective expression of love is conforming to and acting on beliefs that have been deemed by ‘others’ as right and wrong…in order to ‘win’ love. Words more fitting may be ‘meeting conditions’, ‘dependence’, ‘manipulation’, ‘control’, ‘coercion’, Etc.

"Maybe choosing what is putting me in harmony with the universe? hmm...both not being allowed to eat chocholate and not being allowed to be beautiful in bikini make me nervous, ever seen how stressed girls are when it comes to their body?” ‘Not being allowed’…would naturally lead to negative feelings. Again, Why are you not allowed? Who is not allowing you? WHAT ideas or beliefs are not allowing you?  Are they really yours? And do you still find them true and worth putting your faith (i.e. energy) into? This coming into your consciousness reflects a desire to transform, as may be apparent.

“In the experience I described in another thread, where everything fitted, that was it, that whatever I felt like was absolutely perfect. Here it seems not, like I have to pay hard for some choices, in whichever direction they be.”  What would feel ‘easy’ to you? What would feel ‘absolutely perfect’? That is more likely the path of the heart. Even if you feel scared or uncomfortable at first doing it…what is ‘easy’ to you to do? What would leave no pressure feelings associated with the action? In which action would you feel free and not-guilty? How would you feel relaxed? This way may point to what the heart wants. And though we may not know right away…the ‘answer’ will come, as you know. You have already asked the question, the heart has already started to respond to you/itself.

Personally, I am developing the courage to continue to face the ‘uncomfortableness’ myself of releasing limiting beliefs. They are not mine and I do not wish to maintain and enact them any longer. They have served me well when experiencing limited expressions of self but no longer serve the ever-expanding expressions.

Love Lori



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