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on love
sofia Views: 1,775
Published: 19 y

on love

bluestar: "we come here to love ourself/each other, and the two are extricably connected."

ok, friends, I have some questions to begin with, if you wish to think together on this beautiful subject: love!

This is the first, sorry if you find the example too plain:

why conflicting expressions of love happen? if I love chocholate and also love being beautiful in bikini, why should I be put in the situation of choosing one and sacrificing the other? something here smells wrong, but I haven't found yet the way to smuggle out of the dilemma.
Stating that one love is superior than the other (like more spiritual, or deeper, or more expansive, etc.) doesn't convince me, as love is love, no hierarchy is admitted in its realm (and significantly in the tarots the Fool is the card representing love, so doing what is "high" as seen from a human point of view, is not appropriately talking the language of love).
Also choosing what promises more for the future doesn't go in the right direction, as we said, only *here* exist and *here* is the only admitted space of love.
Maybe choosing what is putting me in harmony with the universe? hmm...both not being allowed to eat chocholate and not being allowed to be beautiful in bikini make me nervous, ever seen how stressed girls are when it comes to their body?

And I mean, why to choose at all?

I propose this first theme because it is quite appropriate to CZ (besides being very crucial to me).
Erik makes continuously fun of me, saying I understand nothing, that matter can't be taken litterally. He goes aroung eating pommes frites for breakfast, and then not eating at all for days, his body is glorious and his energy shiny and clean. Evidently something is there that he understood and I didn't.

In the experience I described in another thread, where everything fitted, that was it, that whatever I felt like was absolutely perfect. Here it seems not, like I have to pay hard for some choices, in whichever direction they be.
I understand that the only wrong thing here is my approach, as perfection is already at hand in this reality, as long as my understanding is alligned.

So, dear friends, can you give me some hint on this?


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