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Starr decides to return to camp first...
Starr huntress Views: 3,538
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 723,245

Starr decides to return to camp first...

she walks down the beach hoping the Blueduck is alright,

she is so relieved to see the Duck talking to a beautiful cat.
She begins to run towards them shouting

I have found a ship !! a large and mysterious ship !

( she tells them what she found ,
not mentioning the paper yet,
since she does not know the Kitty yet)
and wants to ask the Seer about it first..

( she will tell the Blueduck about the paper
when she can talk to her alone)

she asks the Kitty if she knows if the *BlueBeard Man*
was still near the beach side
where she had first seen him,
and asks Blueduck and the Kitty if they would go with her
to try to find him
and ask of him the meaning of the ship.
(and the paper as well )


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