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gathering vines, coconuts and fruit
Starr huntress Views: 3,666
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 723,218

gathering vines, coconuts and fruit

Starr walks thru the island flora selecting strong vines,
and hacking them with her handmade machete.
... she climbs the trees easily to pick coconuts and drop them to the ground,

goes to the wild ti plants and gingers to fashion a pull sled with the leaves
and dumps coconuts, berries fruit on them to drag near the beach...

she begins making a small lean to hut for shelter since, she realises night is comming (again ) and she had not meant to stay many nights here
when she came over to this island early the night before...

she sits near the water to soften the vines and begins braiding them,
after lying the fruit out on old palm fronds ready for the morning sun to begin to dry them. when it arises after the stars travel to the sea.

she is humming a song from her youth

twilight starlight...
see how they sparkle above..
someday, you may
travel to lands far away .
just never forget,
the home that you left
will never be gone,
when you sing this song..

how we jump, play,
and laugh with the day..
how we dance , sing,
like the birds on the wing..
and the breezes that blow
wherever we go ,
will carry our wishes
and bring us back home..
to the safe loving arms
of the waterfall islands
to which we belong.



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