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Re: Starr wanders along the shore There you are !!
Starr huntress Views: 3,543
Published: 20 y
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Re: Starr wanders along the shore There you are !!

/e smiles and waves to the duck
flashing her pearly whites against her dark tan skin.


Did you enjoy the waterfall?
i went and got my mushrooms..
and found these as well

(offers logan berries to the duck )
sweet fruit give you good energy to fly fast and strong

i have a small boat *sigh*
it was left me by my grandfather when he passed into the sky

I would think we could make a bigger one?

I wonder if the cat could help us with its claws to shred out the lining
of the palm heart from the trees?

Why i bet we could use three trees maybe like the menfolk from my island do,
and ties them together with strong vine,

then we would a main boat and side trees to balance and help us stay afloat in bad weather,
i have never seen such a boat as those strange skinned folks have,
with a hut on top.. but I think it is a most wondrous thing!!

I feel drawn to seek out new places,
even if it means to leave my island home..
my only future here would be just raising babies as the other women do,
and tho i love babies, where would i find time to practice my bow and arrow
and my slingshot?
I can climg trees well to gather food and supplies,
we can use my small boat as a spare boat should we find need or even as a supply boat that we can pull behind a bigg boat?

I am strong and i have watched the men pull down trees by first setting a fire to th bottom to weaken it,
then we cna easily pull it over..

I can build a fire well...

i would love to try to build a boat with you Blue duck

i think we can do it in the length between the full moon to the half moon
if you are willing

/e splashes her feet in the water,
and waves at the dolphins playing nearby.


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