Herbs used for health have 2 things in common, they either supply organic minerals or they cause the body to purge/sweat.
The herbs used for removing our undigested foods from our body tissues are not foods we would normally eat. It like a dog eating grass when it is sick. Most of these herbs have a toxic effect that is mild, yet strong enough to cause a reaction. The simple solution is to not eat bad foods in the first place and then there is no need for toxic herbs, this is what the first book of the schooling teaches.
The first book uses zero drugs, zero herbs, and no knife and cured 63,000 of all diseases. Herbs are an option for those that want their aid or minerals. The orange being an super herb was the old doctors favorite for its potassium content.
The motto being, use nothing toxic. So these MDs used the cool enema, I prefer herbs, but the cool enema done correctly would be best.