Attention Lapis
This is a support forum. If you see things in a different manner than most of us here, please address your complaints directly to MH at his private email address. You are very wise in many areas Lapis and I believe your intent is well meaning, but I think it best that you and MH address your differences privately.
Or better yet, you can start your own forum and see how many people leave this one for your new one. Just because you believe in peroxide, does not mean that you have to get your nose out of joint because we freely choose to differ with you. Why not just state your beliefs and let people choose for themselves.
As to your alegation that MH has anything to do with the 2 web sites that you mention, the simple and honest answer is "no" he does not. The owner of the 2 sites is a believer in what MH freely shares.
I choose to believe that both you and MH have much to share with those who seek to improve their "human temple of the soul." I do not take 100% of what MH says as gospel, but I at least know that it is no skin off of his nose if I reserve my judgement on any of his pronouncements until I have independantly investigated them.
You come on to the forum and start bad mouthing MH and making false statements.
The door is open Lapis. Please exit stage right. Unless, that is, you can accept the truth as the mother of Thumper stated in the Bambi movie....." if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothin at all."