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Reincarnation and Original Sin
Catholics believe that when you are born you are already in a state of sin, that you cannot meet God unless you accept Jesus as your intermediary, and that by doing so you are cleansed of sin in this life, your only life.
Jews believe that God give punishments and rewards, but don't have much to say about the afterlife, reincarnation, or heaven. However, traditional Judaism firmly believes that death is not the end of human existence.
Hindus believe that when you are REborn, you carry the weight of past karma and must act it out, and that you can only control your present actions to cause positive outcomes in the future (this life or future lives), and so eventually find God through expiating negative karma, withstanding the pain of past actions, and creating new good actions.
Buddhists believe the same as Hindus except that you can intercept karmic seeds as they are about to bear fruit, and so change your destiny in the present moment, thus finding transcendental consciousness simultaneously, and rising above the circle of life and death.
New Agers (at least the ones who believe in reincarnation) believe that you are born in a state of Original Purity, and that you are cleansed of all sins of past lives in every lifetime, that it is only necessary to remember that you Are God to find God.
Would anybody else like to add to this?