"Those who can" (ie. 'Storm')
Picture of storm.
I agree, people who say something can't be done should move aside for
people who are already doing it. However, you can't find any such people...
A picture is worth a 1000 words. Thanks for that picture it really hits the issue in the clear.
Storm is the typical example of what I'm talking about. I'm shocked you think he is muscular and at that, "very muscled and more buffer than many body builders". No offense but storm is far from being muscular. That guy would be laughed right out of any serious gym. LOL
You have many great posts and I enjoy reading all of them as they are a fountain of knowledge most of the time but I don't think you know anything about "bodybuilding". There are no muscular vegetarians, it is impossible for the reasons I explained. To build muscle the way a bodybuilder does one needs MINIMUM 1g/body lbs of high end quality protein. This is impossible to attain with a vegetarian lifestyle.
Not only that but you need protein cofactors to metabolize the protein through the metabolic process without creating toxins such as homocytein, etc. This must me attained from meat (like beef/liver, etc,..,such as B12,B6 and folic acid. You can get folic from veggies. Also some nuts have B6.) or alternatively supplemental injections (I doubt you want to live with a needle in your arm).
Anyway, it is very important to learn how to break from attaining all protein from meat/milk and learn about alternative sources so people can mix it up.