Re: CONFUSED/herb/colon/enima/juicing/which first?
Alright, there's a lot in your post so I hope I can address every thing. :)
Liver Flush (always good to do before and after fast)
2. If you can do a colonic, it's best to do in the beginning or before fast. Say, after the flush.
3. Eat raw (fruits and vegs) for a day or two.
4. You don't need supplements, best not to take any while fasting.
5. First three days of fast are rough. You'll feel tired, headachey, achey, etc. but after the third day, you typically have energy off the roof. Energy is one of the wonderful side effects of juice fasting. :)
6. Post any questions you have during your fast, here. Someone will try to answer. :)
HTH :) Got to go, toddler screaming....