CONFUSED/herb/colon/enima/juicing/which first?
I am starting my first juice fast tomorrow...I have juiced for a long time off and on but never without not eating, I would just start my days with a beet/celery/parsley/carrot juice...I am so overwhelmed with what process I should take...can I start my cleanse with
juicing straight off? or do I do a liver cleanse first and for how long do i do this one for? the beet juice i do every morning is a liver cleanse this sufficient? or should I do the olive oil with magnesium/grapefruit to cleanse my liver, to pass any stones or blockages? should I take any supplements while juice fasting for 15 days? should i schedule a
colonic while doing the liver cleanse or at the beginning of my juice fast or wait till I break the cleanse? I have read for days the advice on here but I would really like a "juice fasting for dummies" straight up approach step #1 step #2 step #3 etc etc etc...
I already am extremely fatigued...I have epilepsy which I am doing accupuncture to treat rather than the meds I was taking for 9 years...I am functioning much better, less ansious/depressed...but the fatigue is a daily struggle..I am weak so I am concerned with the juice fast and what I can look forward to? will my fatigue worsen? are there a danger symptoms to look out for? my reasons for doing the juice fast are: detoxification, relief of severe allergies, fatigue and overall health improvement....
Is anyone starting to juice fast tomorrow that I can keep in contact with if any questions need to be address?...I am a Canadian living in Brazil and I don't have many english speaking friends here to lean on for medical/health support...
Tchau Carey