I have done 2 Liver Flushes so far and my Acne has gotten a little worse after them but not too bad. I also did a parastie/colon cleanse before doing the flushes and take an herbal fiber supplement daily to help keep my colon healthy. I would highly suggest doing a water enema asap to help your colon become able to handle the amount of toxins your Liver Flush put into your body. Don't stop doing the flushes, believe it or not the Acne is a good sign that you are sucessfully cleaning your liver. You just need to make sure the rest of your body is healthy enough to handle the load. You can fast on organic apple juice for 3 days before the flush to clean your kidney's or eat organic apples and cucumbers for 3 days if you can't do the fasting. Do a Colon Cleanse before your next flush and also you can perform an enema before and after the flush or just after if you prefer. Ground Flaxseen and Liquid Bentonite shakes are great for helping to clean the colon. Good luck!