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Re: There is nothing to fear!
  Views: 2,400
Published: 19 y
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Re: There is nothing to fear!

Skin complaints may worsen for a time due to the accumulation of toxins in the blood. Acne only arises when the body holds onto more poisons than it can comfortably eliminate through the correct channels (kidneys and bowel). Your Liver Flush has released, or stirred up, the many toxins held within the liver; some of these will have been forced to descend into the bowel where they may have been reabsorbed and have, through the principle of vicarious elimination, been excreted via your skin. And thus, as the quantity of toxins in your organs and blood decrease, so will your skin complaints; and when your body is almost entirely free of unnatural poisons (i.e. when the liver is no longer overburdened and the colon can work efficiently to remove that which the body cannot use) your skin will no longer be used as a secondary source of elimination and shall return to its natural state.

The more you flush, the freer (cleaner) you will become. Enemas are an option, yes, as is an herbal bowel formula which may be taken the day after the flush. (The herbal option is my choice.) In between flushing you must follow a bowel cleansing protocol of some description, so as to ensure that the toxins and accumulated waste are released into the toilet bowel rather than through your pores.

Acne always "gets better" and heals completely, eventually. If you follow a few simple procedures and rules-of-thumb, then it is completely impossible for it not to.

Take care, and enjoy!



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