I have some problem too but not acne. I am 48 years old. I could not find appropriate sours of cleansing. I bought lots of herbal solution in Canada but nothing works. That was so costly! I did two colonics and nothing come out.
The next one (colonic) would cost me astronomical money.I decided to surf over the Internet and found "lemonade diet" ( actually fasting 7-90 days drinking special lemonade) and even ordered Dr. Larry Clapp's book about cleansing using this diet but got nothing after his suggested flush.
I started surfing over the Internet again and found the website with pretty interesting information about people who used cleansing natural pack of Dr.Natura.. . Try to read one http://www.DrNatura.com. He created colonics program. Probably you'll like it. I just ordered and waiting when it pass through Canadian custom.