Erik and I
I love Erik, my husband. It was love at first sight, for both. A friend in Milan had called me saying: would you like to meet another extraterrestrial like you? I had never seen anyone so beautiful. We spoke the whole evening, not more than that, we didn't even kiss, and the morning after he was on the airplane to Norway. Three days after he called me to say he loved me, and I said me too, and then we called each other in the night every day for hours for three months, and sent each other presents and poems and drawings, everybody recognized the letters from Erik in the building where I lived, because he painted also on the envelope, so they called me from the window, letter from Erik! and waited to see what is was like, this time. We met finally again in Germany, we did a dark-room of 2 weeks together, and in this very sacred place we made love the first time. After this we just couldn't live separate, Erik went home to quit his job and joined me in Rome, I sold my house and left my things to friends, and after that we've always been together, for 5 years. We've been in the jungle together, we've had shamanic sessions, some pretty tough, and darkrooms, we've been travelling with a van everywhere, and painted together, and played, made love, fasted, did yoga, went to Asia, walked for hours at night talking and talking, and at the end not talking any more, well now I can't even remember about all of our life so rich and so intense. Yet we don't need to do anything special to be happy. We are at ease being around each other, naturally. One of my favourite situations is of me and him silently attending to our own occupations, sharing the same space. I like to feel his presence around when I'm doing something, it has never happened with anyone else.
Two years ago we had a son, very desired and very loved. He's actually quite special. But after his arrival things are getting difficult with Erik. He's irritable, I make scenes, he's angry, I'm hopeless. Last year in june we took our son to the kindergarden, as he desired very much to stay with other children, and when he wasn't around Erik and I were in honeymooon again, as soon as he was coming back, tension back. Now Lake is not any more in kindergarden, and it's continuous discussions.
Many times I said to myself: enough, I love Erik, but if it wasn't for my son I would leave him, but then had to add, well, if it wasn't for my son, I wouldn't even need to leave him!
Of course I'm not so stupid as to give to my child responsabilities he doesn't have, it is Erik and I who are not in tune with the changes and it is at us that we have to look at. But what is it that we don't see? Do you have any idea?
I know I am very lucky to have found love, and I want to defend it with all I can.