Re: if zappers are "100% effective", why care?
>The truth is, I can make and sell the $10 zapper for about $8.50 and still make a higher percentage profit than I do now selling ParaZapper. Why would I though? Profit is not the only objective.<
umm you say percentage right?
you sell yours for more though.
>These foreign countries with rampant illness and extensive
parasite infestations are the ones that need a good zapper the most. Sending them a cheap zapper that does not work as well is not a true service.<
>Penetrating the body has only a few requirements.
1) large contact areas. Use copper paddles instead of wrist straps or pennies.
2) lower frequencies. It is documented by several companies the 2000-2500 Hz penetrates the intestines. I am not the first to claim this.
3) Use multiple positive contacts. A positive signal that covers the entire body does produce better results ( almost double using copper footpads ).
Otherwise, a couple of additional hints:
1) Keep the copper off of your skin by using wet paper towels, preferably using salt water as it reduces resistance and improves results. Throw the paper away after each session.
2) Eat a tablespoon of yogurt after each zapping session. Live and active cultures produce better results than most probiotics.
3) 14-20-14-20-14-20-14 will produce better results with any zapper.<
well it seems to me that if you try that stuff with a $10 zapper then you'll get pretty good results.
and just because it's cheap doesn't mean it doesn't work just as good.