Re: if zappers are "100% effective", why care?
>- That's only if you mean "all
parasites outside shielded areas",
What shielded areas?
I have not found any shield inside of the body in any of my reference books.
You probably are talking about unreached areas that are present with zappers that only have frequencies above 20 kHz because these frequencies do not penetrate the body very well.
2.5 kHz is so much more effective at penetrating the intestines that we have to warn our customers to replinish their intestinal bacteria with yogurt or probiotics. No Bull, just fact.
This is nothing special to ParaZapper as there are several zappers that offer dual frequencies. Also, if read our manual, you would find a few secrets that do produce better results. We know that they do because of the results that our customers get.
Consider this: Our average zapper sale is $120. Many of our customers have the $10 zapper and often other zappers. If the ParaZapper that they bought was not a lot better, don't you think that they would send it right back?
If ParaZapper is not any better than other zappers, why are we out-selling many of the cheaper ones? Why is the Terminator less than half as popular as it was 2 years ago? ( based on seach engine requests )
And Do not think that I am saying this to just hype our product. I have shared a lot of the information that we have with several other zapper manufacturers. We also keep Dr. Clark updated a couple times a year with new information as well as send copies of our manual to her for review.
My purpose in the claims that I make is to try to make everyone aware that they can get better results. We are trying hard to improve every aspect of zapping because it is not 100 percent effective. I would like to produce a zapper that could be rented for 1 week and returned with the customer being in perfect health. Actually, I envision in the future a zapper that can be waved over the body that will diagnose the problems and generate the necessary frequencies to heal all that is wrong. Oops, I think that they will call that a Tricoder.
I started out with a standard Clark zapper, improved that, designed and used our PLUS for months, the CCa for a couple of years, but again as I have said before, I would not trade my MX-2 for any Rife, Beck, or any other machine ( except maybe for a QXCI which is purely incredible ).
I spend several hours a day on the phone talking to customers ( our phone bill runs up to $500 a month sometimes over that ) and when they tell me about their old zapper, I ask some of them to send it to me if they did not like it so that I can check it out. I have received a lot of other zappers from these customers and while almost all of them work, the customers did not care for them so much.
There is often a good reason.
The least liked of all of the zappers came with wrist straps which while convenient, are very low on the effectiveness scale. The wrist bands often cause skin burns and do not pass much of their signal to the body because of the small contact area.
The next on the scale is the Terminator type zapper. These also have a small contact area and suffered from complaints of contact burns where ever they were placed. Some Terminator users made up for the difference in effectiveness by wearing them longer, often 24 hours a day. This often cause more severe burns.
Most of the disliked zappers were only a single frequency, especially 30 - 33 kHz units. They do not reach into the intestines where most
parasites live.
I have received only a few zappers with copper paddles and most of those were 30 - 33 kHz.
I have never heard anyone complain about any dual frequency zapper that they had unless it used only wrist straps.
This has to say something about zappers and what works and what does not work. I encourage the other zapper manufacturers to join in. What is your experience?
The truth is, I can make and sell the $10 zapper for about $8.50 and still make a higher percentage profit than I do now selling ParaZapper. Why would I though? Profit is not the only objective.
I can understand that some people are very poor ( in Africa and Asia ). In many countries, the cost of our better ParaZapper CCa is over a years average income. My attitude is that I am going to send the best quality that I can to my customers.
Sometimes rather than sending them something of less value, I will give the best to them for shipping cost. I have even paid the shipping on special occasions. Of course, I can not do this for every customer.
I have given free ParaZapper CCa's to orphanages and missionaries. I have offered them to the WHO, Doctors Without Borders, and many other charitable organizations.
These foreign countries with rampant illness and extensive
parasite infestations are the ones that need a good zapper the most. Sending them a cheap zapper that does not work as well is not a true service.
Please understand, I am not trying to put down any zapper but instead, am trying to get them to look at what they have and improve it. Yes, they work, but are they all that they can be?
Penetrating the body has only a few requirements.
1) large contact areas. Use copper paddles instead of wrist straps or pennies.
2) lower frequencies. It is documented by several companies the 2000-2500 Hz penetrates the intestines. I am not the first to claim this.
3) Use multiple positive contacts. A positive signal that covers the entire body does produce better results ( almost double using copper footpads ).
Otherwise, a couple of additional hints:
1) Keep the copper off of your skin by using wet paper towels, preferably using salt water as it reduces resistance and improves results. Throw the paper away after each session.
2) Eat a tablespoon of yogurt after each zapping session. Live and active cultures produce better results than most probiotics.
3) 14-20-14-20-14-20-14 will produce better results with any zapper.
Remember, Zapping is not an end in itself. It can help you recover from a failing immune system but good health comes from good clean fresh food and a clean environment.
Good zapping!