Re: if zappers are "100% effective", why care?
I've read the book. That's why I have so many questions.
Clark's description of what a capacitor is and how they affect electron flow is, uh, over-simplified. Granted, her books are not intended for a technical audience, but the way a body conducts electric current is way more complex (!) than she indicates. Not counting semiconductor effects, there are six basic circuit elements: series and shunt resistance, series and shunt capacitance, and series and shunt inductance. Clark addresses only two in the passage you quoted. The other four matter.
At least two Zapper manufacturers have oscilloscope images on their sites, and these tell a much more complex (pun intended) story. Based on the loaded output images, you can work up a basic schematic of an equivalent load circuit (sometimes called a "human body model") and fill in first-pass estimates of the component values.
Yes, her opinions are published in a book. But she owns the publishing company. If I bought a book company and published a book saying the earth is flat, would the book give me more credibility?
This is wandering into debate territory, something I've been spanked for in the past. If you would like to continue this discussion, I suggest we move to an appropriate forum. For the record, I'm *not* anti-Clark. In fact, for the sake of a friend of mine, I really hope she is on the right track. But I have experience with the effects of incomplete research pushed forward without critical review, and her work has a familiar ring.