Re: if zappers are "100% effective", why care?
I had thought about sending out some non-working zappers to make it blind but did not have the heart to do it. Besides, I think that most customers would notice immediately. We have had 4 zappers fail in the field in the last 2 years. They came back real fast.
What is even cooler is the difference between zappers for certain conditions.
Consider allergies which has a rating of 65.2 percent. This is over all.
With customers who used the footpads combined with copper paddles, this jumped to 77 %.
Those who did not use footpads only gave it a rating of 55 %.
Those who used wrist straps rated 42 %.
Those who used our cheapest zapper and copper paddles rated it a 59 %.
Those who used the PLUS and copper paddles rated 63 %.
Most customers who bought the CCa used the copper footpads and rated it 85 %.
Remember, this is for allergies which are harder to produce results for than many other conditions. Colds are extremely easy to stop and most any zapper will work.
There is a difference not only in zappers, but also in what accessories you use with it.
True, not a blind study but definitely interesting data.
BTW did you know that a disappointed customer is almost 10 times as likely to respond as a happy customer.
If you were to come down with H5N1 Bird Flu, what zapper would you want?
BTW the mortality rate for H5N1 is 95% and of those few who have recovered, few are functioning well.
If you want to see more info about our data, see
ParaZapper Testimonials.