Protein is mucus producing? oh GREAT.
I just had this funny thing going on with Rowan about the whey protein because I was eating about a scoop a day in my drinks to avoid low blood sugar. My particular brand does not, but it was suggested by Quill via the forum, and the health food store guy I talked to, that I take Spirulina instead. But that too, is a protein.
Aside from the occasional Twix bar, I really didn't eat a lot of sugar. Wait - uh, let's revise that. I drank like a fish. That would certainly contribute to hypoglycemia.
So now what? I need to take a week's vacation, stay home with an empty fridge, deal with the low blood sugar to fast (drooling stupor and massive migraines) and purge the toxins so I can start over and build a no sugar diet since I'm not drinking anymore? I sound flip, but I'm feeling more like....incredulous, as my (hopefully incorrect) understanding of the full weight of this vicious catch-22 dawns on me.
Oh my head.....the ponderousness of this topic.....
What do you suggest?
Thanks in advance