Re: a question for you aj
"I think Pat Robertson is a staunch supporter of Jesus Christ, and he doesn't care who he offends when he is speaking the Word."
I agree, but, when speaking The Word one must be careful of "rightly dividing it".
In 70 A. D., when God destroyed the temple, Isreal was scattered (dispersed)as in 1Pet 1:1 and Jas 1:1. Isreal and Jerusalem was given over to Roman control at that time, then to various other nations until it's time of restoration at the second coming of Christ with The Church. The strip of land, which we now call Isreal, was given to them by the United Nations after WWII. It was given to them by man and not by God. When God restores The Nation it will be a much larger section of land than what they have now as outlined in The Bible.
At the present time, according to Divine viewpoint (The Bible), there is no Isreal. In this Church Age God is not dealing with Isreal as a nation but with individuals. It is a call throughout the world for individuals to believe The Gospel of The Grace of Christ.
Therefore any quotations from Scripture pertaining to judgement on someone for "dividing the land" in The Age of Grace is interpretation taken out of context. God Himself has given the land of Isreal over to the Gentiles and He sees it nonexistent (under His present judgement) until the times of the gentiles is complete.
It is important as believers we focus on what is being said than by who said it. If we focus on the messenger we open ourselves for partiality and misconception.