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Evolution - more proof - Hobbit race parallel to ours
Karlin Views: 1,446
Published: 21 y

Evolution - more proof - Hobbit race parallel to ours

Not that it really has anything to do with gods existence or not, evolutionary Science got a big boost when a hobbit race of humans was discovered. Flores island coughed up bones of a small race of humans who dies out about 18,000 years ago.

The recent timeline is astonishing scientists. Its pretty close to us.
They could have survived instead of us! Conditions were too hard for them, and they failed to adapt. We were more suited for the climate or something.But if the weather had been colder , it could have been them that are here now!

Thats gives pause dont you think?

This race developed at the same time as humans. We may have crossed paths - we may have some of their genes in us.

They cooked, they made their beds, they had an economy of sorts.

They had tools, they combed their hair, they had family structure and they built houses.

So evolution is true, for humans and all life on earth. We are not some created perfect species, we are just smart animals.

For some reason, christians seem to link 'evolution' with 'not believing in god' ; I dont see it tho , I dont see why god would not have "used" evolution the way he [if he was real] uses natural processes all day long.

Better to get on board with evolution and accept that humans are not so special after all. We are imperfect, we are growing better tho, as we evolve. Thats the great thing about evolution - its better than just being created and staying that way. More hope, longer future, less boredom.




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