The accuser sounds like a raging lion and every child of God should learn to know that sound, while a loving father or caring mother is the sound every child will cling to. Some christians sound like a raging lion to their children and their children have mistaken the sound of a lion for the sound of God. I know the voice of God and I know it when I hear it. I know God is love and I knowe what I know. If it sounds in my spirit like a loving father or caring mother then I know I am in the right place and I am hearing from God. Even chastisement that is done with love has a different sound then the sound of a raging lion... If you hear some people screaming at a disobedient pet it has a different sound than a parent correcting their child. Their is a different quality to that sound. Every child who prays to a loving God and hears the quiet still voice of God knows the difference.