Re: Not True!
I think you like to mislead people, and stop the spread of the ever present truth.
I personally know people with children that are brain damaged, caused by vaccines....and why are these children like this?
They still prevail. Why is that? Well, for the love of money of course and the inefectiveness of the vaccines.. So much money is made from the Vaccince industry and the 'science' experiments that go with it, that they could not possibly stop now, greed has come along with the money
I never said vaccines were absolutely safe only that if you look at the plots presented they plot deaths not number of cases of diseases. I also know several people crippled by polio and I lost a really nice pup to parvo and since vaccines for this disease have come available very few puppies are lost to this long as they get vaccinated. You should'nt read more into my posts and start jumping to conclusions...everyone seems to get it wrong everytime!!
For the money, and 'science' experiments! If vaccines and the 'science' behind the vaccines were for the good of the people inhabiting this world, then the diseases would have been extinct long ago. But NO!
The reason smallpox was eradicated is that humans are the only vectors for the disease. Many other viral diseases are not likely to be eradicated since there are other vectors...mosquitos, fleas, squirrels, bats, ect. As long as these other vectors exist the diseases have a refuge, a resovior, and will persist but can often be prevented by vaccinations. I have seen what viral diseases can do and the devastation these diseases can cause is horrible...and the frequency is often higher than the risk from vaccines. Have you ever lost a friend to hepatitis B induced hepatocellular carcinoma?? I have and know a couple of other people who have been diagnosed with identical conditions...its preventable and the consequences of the disease versus likleyhood of adverse reaction is what you need to consider. It is a risk versus benefit choice.