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Published: 18 y


The real question is where should we draw the line?

There is a huge difference between blogs and forums.

Forums are dedicated to discussion, and strict rules are important to keep the discussion on the right track.

On the other side, blogs are more personal. If you create a blog, you are the blog owner, and you decide what you put into your blog, as long as it is not in breach of CureZone TOS, and Blog Guidelines .
You also have the privilege to delete any comment that you dislike.
You are the king of your castle.

The question here is: where would you draw the line?

Should blog owners be allowed to attack other members of curezone?

Should blog owners be allowed to attack people who are not members of curezone, but are respected by other members of CureZone?

Should blog owners be allowed to attack public people, like politicians, or other people in public light, if those people are respected by other curezone members?

Where would you draw the line of what is allowed, and what is not?

Should blog owners be allowed to attack George Bush, if there are other members of curezone who disagree with such messages? If blog owners are allowed to attack George Bush, should other members of curezone who disagree with such messages be allowed to attack the blog owners?

Or, should we create a rule that nobody is allowed to talk negative about anyone, and choose to delete any and every message where someone is attacking someone?

Where would you draw the line of what is allowed, and what is not?

Why am I asking you those questions? Cause I don't know the answer. I want to hear your opinion. I need good brain storming on those questions.

Where to draw the line on what is allowed on CureZone, and what is not.

How much freedom should blog owners have?

Should curezone moderators be allowed to hide and delete messages of blog owners?

Should curezone moderators be allowed to block blog owner, if they already have a history of conflict with that blog owner?


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