You and an 'other'. All about relationships and finding your Self within a relationship. Balancing dependency/independence. So that's good you've been working on it. These next two years is for you to really hone it, really 'get' it. That's what Saturn is there for.
Ok after 2 years of Saturn pushing and I mean the full 2 years it took me, I finally got it. luckily I was able to swim in the other world and develop night eyes. I also finally understand what there is to SEE about my emotions and mother (That was tough) for me
When Pluto is in the 12th house of peoplel's charts, natally, they are almost always Reiki healers because that healing, regenerating, intense energy of Pluto is available to them through that 'other world'. Cool.
Yes I just decided to seek a teacher to learn how to better utilize the reiki hands on, since the blockages are now released. I think my teacher is right at home.