Re: I flew to "Spirit School"
I get the feeling that this 'dream' of yours was more Astral Travel (or even Dimensional travel...?) than OBE.
That is cool - your experience with calling your friends name and she hearing you! (I have had similar experiences)
I have been in a few different schools....but this one felt like the ULTIMATE school! And I was so lucid, it was so real. Realer than here. It was my first time there. It was like I *knew* about this school, but it was the first time I was invited there. Verrrrry exciting.
I have 'voice' dreams too. Sometimes I 'get' more information than I remember, but very often I remember clear sentences. The messages always blow me away!
I have never had the speeding through the tunnel thing that you speak of, but, boy, does that ever sound like some sort of astral/etheric plane travel! My boyfriend has the whoosing noise as well as a high pitched frequency sound and he HAS had the rushing super super fast through the Universe experience. Fear usually accompanies these experiences for him, but we're working on that!
I have felt as though my limbs were attached to helium balloons - hanging up in the air over top of my body too! These are ones where I'm definitely caught between an OBE and this normal, denser plane.
Woo...wouldn't that be cool if we attended the same school! Hey, I'm curious, do you know what you are numerologically? If you add the year you were born and your month and your day together and reduce it to a single digit # you'll come up with your Life Path number.
My school was very utilitarian, strangely enough (others have been more ornate!) is very soft white with open spaces and many many well-proportioned rooms. Spacious.
I feel like I am learning many valuable things there! (it sounds so strange) I think maybe I'm in training to become a Guide of sorts! (some people will call me crazy for thinking that, but oh well - I'd love to be a Guide...planting revelations and inspirations and dreams with individuals who are consenting, ready and requesting some help...) That's just my Neptunian feeling!
What do you think your school is all about?