Re: Lots of vegetarians die too...
Hey thats old propaganda from the meat industry which was disproved over 50 years ago.(journal of american medicine-JAMA) guess what? the most powerful animals are vegans. the beef cow get ALL its b vitamins ,from green vegetation, where does the cow get its calcium? I have been a athlete for 30 yrsand since turning vegan i have more stamina, strength,look younger(face clear,smell better,and sleep easier. also iam never MOODY any more. SCREW meat. Hormone laced pestacide packed, and DONT FORGET mad cow.) oh hows about parasites? Do you know that Alsheimers(which kills), is really mad cow? there are many pro athletes that are vegans, they can't afford to eat dirty,deseased,unsanitary meat. Its their job they will jepardize. you dont know how bad the meat supply is right now. the beef inspectors DONT eat beef. they have seen how bad it is.(they "inspect" 1 out of 250,000 cows-FACT-CNN) IF you eat meat make it ORGANIC. Most intellegent vegan die a NATURAL death. Even the american heart association admits that a vegan diet will CURE heart desease and add at least 10 years to your life. and what about QUALITY of life, clear eyed, no aches,pains, NO CANCER, high blood pressure,diabetes,ostioporisis,(which the dairy industry admited CAUSES it -Fact.) listen right now 1 out of two americans will get cancer!!!! (american cancer society) and the Near future is that All americans will get some form of cancer.(based on SAD,standard american diet-read: lots of meat). Go ahead have that burger. If the saminella, e coli bateria doesnt get you ,maby the mad cow will. or pestesides,which are concentrated in meat. good luck-Maxx cancer survivor.