Re: Abused as a male child
This must be more common than it seems to be, judging by the number of posts by females vs males posting about being abused by siblings.
Thanks for posting your story Cerph.
I am a male, but I was not abused sexually, not that I know of. It is disturbing to me that I have so many of the "symptoms" of abuse, including sexual problems. I am on some medications that could be the cause, but that does not explain it all.
At times I display a temper that I hate.
I don't sleep well, and rarely dream, and when I do its always an awful chase. I finally stopped running and fought back, won, and never had a dream of any sort since [3 years ago].
This symptom, from the Cure Zone page on Sexual abuse:
"Over irritation: are easily affected, hot-tempered, jumpy, excessively alert and don't fall asleep easily."
and these:
"Psychological problems: Fears, panic attacks, sleeping problems, nightmares, irritability, outbursts of anger and sudden shock reactions when being touched. Little confidence, and self-respect and respect for one's own body may change. Behavior that harms the body: addiction to alcohol and other substances, excessive work or sports, depression, self-destruction and prostitution."
Anyways, I guess I just want to say I can relate to your story, and I hope you can get well, weller. I think I am making progress too...
I of the Unsigned