Christian Apology
I would like to answer that with the words of Jesus...Word was getting around that Jesus was claiming to be God. When they cornered Jesus and asked him directly...Jesus replied, "we are all gods." Look it up.Then they tried to stone him for sayng it...I happen to believe it... I believe everyone with a soul is a son of God...and even that does not accurately describe how I feel...Hebrew and Greek are very masculine...they build in assumptions about masculinity that are not what is. I believe we are all sons and daughters of God.
If you want to know my religious thoughts..and o boy...they are volatile and provocative...I will put them in the Dogma Forum right now. My experience was not religious. I observed my journey to heaven in my soul body and I returned in my soul body. I spoke with the most loving being ever...I call him Yah most of the time....I could also call her love. I met a being i think may have been a pre-jesus Christ. I can say this with a clear conscious but I can't say it the way it really is because I have no words to describe it. It was before time began so I can't go out on a limb and say something that doesn't feel right in my spirit. I can only say what I experienced in my limited ability to say what I saw.
I am personally a Christian...That is my Belief System...I also had a significant experience on the other side that leads me to believe that religious people have perverted the truth about God to control them. The love I found on the other side is about freedom and liberty ...not dogma. I have my Jesus before me...It will enflame many....but it doesn't belong in my NDE. Because my NDE was all about love...and if you believe that God is love...then we believe in the same God. There is victory behind that belief...
Love frees our body of sin and disease...ask Jesus...Jesus said....Your sins are forgiven= You are healed...People have to accept that forgiveness in their own minds/spirit/and body to be healed...And do they have to ask in Jesus name? Many people are healed through spiritual intervention. Some from Mary...or some other religious Icon....or simply love...I don't think Jesus cares what you call him...If you believe in believe in Jesus...
You can believe in Jesus and still not be healed... You have to believe you are forgiven to have victory in this life over sin and disease. I think most our we allow this unforgivness to remain in our lives....forgiveness of ourselves then becomes the task of those seeking the Kingdom of God...And forgiveness starts with forgiving others...but in heaven there will be no judgement for sin...God can not look on sin...and every soul goes to heaven...but every sin dies in the ground and will be burned up and forgotten. : ) Victory in Love
That is the best I can do Dot...I hope it gives you some insight about my thoughts about forgiveness forgiveness...there is liberty in love : )