Re: Why Libertarianism Doesn't Work For Me
Rud, Grog, Whiz--Your responses were enlightening and none of them were without merit. I see a points of general agreement amongst all of you. I don't see a "pure socialist" in any of you. Greed seems to be a common adjective in your thoughts. Is it possible that we are all failed capitalists? This is all sour grapes? I read a lot...whenever I can. My interests are political
Science and social economics. I know that figures don't lie but liars figure. I am guilty of reading Krugman, Moore, Conason, Clark, O'Neil, Choate, Franken,Ivins,Thurow, and many of the other bleeding-heart anti-Bushites. Can their math be as wrong as the GOP claims? Now, Zinni and Clancy are refuting this administration. How can the average married couple, intelligent enough to hold good jobs, own a home and raise children not see that their future is being dissolved one section at a time? Job security, health care, the environment, etc., are being degraded. What is happening is not invisible. Are those of us who "do" see the beheading of America such a disparate lot that we can't unite in order to terminate this march toward fascism? Socialists, Constitutionalists, Libertarians...We are all in the same boat. And, we are taking on a vast amount of water.