Re: Why Libertarianism Doesn't Work For Me
Left to their own greed and ambition, men will murder their own brother for his neighbor's wife, his home, his property, and his soul.Herbert Hoover is as close to a Libertarian as ever a President ever there was in the USA with disasterous results. Herbert Hoover gave the keys of the nation over to the Henry Fords and the J.P. Morgans of his day and they strangled the very life out of the people. Men worked for pennies and wealthy men swallowed up the property of millions of farmers. When men will work for only the hope of enough to fill only half of their belly, a government must intervene or anarchy occurs. The ultimate goal of the Libertarian is anarchy(No Government). In Anarchy, the laws and liberties of the people are soon turned over to those who have the biggest guns or own production rights to guns and to those who build and control prisons.
In spite of Libertarians greatest hope to be left alone, human nature makes the Libertarian's greatest aspiration a fantasy but for the wealthy Libertarian. Cain will still slay Abel unless a government is formed to protect all of the Abels who would be oppressed by their brothers. In anarchy oppressors will use violence and deception to rules the hearts and minds of their brother and all men.
Does any of this sound familiar? Today we live in Anarachy and call it government where the wealthiest anarchists have absolute control over the middle class and lower caste people? The people with the biggest money can send the middle class jobs to another country because there is no government for the people but for the greedy. Democrat or Republican are only different shades of the same brand of greed.
The Libertarian who would have no laws believes in a system that leads to anarchy and will always lead to bloodshed and violence. Greedy men will always fill a void of power. Greedy men in a Libertarian Society will subdue the people in Anarchy and usurp those in charge and make laws that benefit him personally at the expense of those who are poor and powerless. Government, while at its worst is a tyrant and is tipified by enslaving the population to so many laws that human misery becomes its main product is the worst system possible but without government, men are sold into economic slavery to tyrants and despots. All of the political systems can become a kind of circle where all systems can lead to the same outcome.
I believe that what should occur to balance this system is to have a fair wage that can provide for one's minimum needs and this is currently not the case.
I believe that greedy men who export good jobs to other nations to fill their own bellies should be fined(taxed) to such a large degree that they will reconsider their position.
I believe that America is not free until the least person in the nation is free to pursue their dreams as long as they do not attempt to steal from or kill their brother to get it.
But what is disturbing is that laws that would help out the least are hated by those who have the most. Those who would have me provide my labor for free will win the day in a Libertarian society. They would allow tyrants to build prisons and arm their protectors with powerful weapons that would hold anyone who refuses to provide his labor for half of what will fill his belly and confine him where he can not have a voice in society(but then he is fed). America Today?
When enough people in America are held in prison, so they can provide free labor for all types of employment, the anarchist will have completely won and the Libertarian who is not wealthy will have completely lost. I believe the Libertarians who are wealthy have already won their cause. There is no Government to yoke the rich. The Corprations and the Industial Military Complex have built a system of military might and prisons to enslave the population and protect the wealthy Libertarians. Less than 1% of the Federal Government goes to the poorest people in the nation and that is too much for the wealthy Libertarians.
Most of the budget goes to the wealthiest 10% and if you are a Libertarian and in the wealthiest 10% then you are living in Utopia in America today. But the rest of us slaves, through laws that protect your liberty at our expense,and we are far from liberty and justice for all. If everyone were required to vote, Libertarians would never win but the days of Herbert Hoover are returning to America, backed by the mightiest military in the world and the most prisons to enslave the population...and they will be the controlling form of non-government for the people as long as men allow it.