Re: Asexuality.....
From what info you have given, you are only 3 months of knowing him. If you really love him and he's the guy for you, be patience.
These people that gave you an OK to move on is just plain WRONG. No one should tell you to break up your relationship NO MATTER how hard the situation is, unless he's a violent person. Even that, you must find way to work out.
Don't let these people use sex as an excuse to break up your relationship. If you love him, you will be patience. Beside, true love has nothing to do with sex. When you love a child, (that is true love) sex never involved. You should apply that same love to him. Don't worry, you can do many style of love making without his penis.
From what you describe him, you probably has the best man than these people who give you this nonsense MOVE ON, been there done that.
Three months of knowing him is very short. If I were you, I would put off that sex and work on loving as you love a child. Think about it, why do you think a child is gross when they see an adult kiss, and they swear they would never do that.
So don't be discourage. If you think he's the one, grab a hold him don't let anyone else break you up or let him go.